
Drum synthesizer - Finished

The case is ready, and all functions are working! :) There are small problems, but I will fix them soon.

It's really fun to play with it, especially the cross-modulation functions, and the triggering combined. It can produce sounds from funny, and simple synthetic "space" drum sounds, to agressive, and noisy, industrial drums, even cool analog bass sounds, and simple synth sequences! So much possibilities are in this "simple" instrument. :)

A little summary of the instrument:

Rebel D2 logo

Analog drum machine, and filterbox.

  • Two independent drum channels, based on Coron DS8 design.
  • Two Wasp VCF clones, with LP/HP/BP/Notch modes
  • External signal processing with the filters
  • Triggering with button, or external signal (audio, piezo pulse, etc.), led indicator
  • Inputs for VCO frequency CV
  • VCO frequency modulation (or cross-modulation), with VCF output of the other channel
  • VCF CV input
  • Separate outputs, or mixed out

Sound samples will follow soon!


New modular case

This is the end of the lifecycle of my old, temporary case! Hooooraaay! :) Here is the new one!

I wanted to separate the PSU, and move out of the modular's box. My PSU is too strong, to power only one case, and the modules can occupy more space, if the PSU is not built into the case.

My new panel format is a nonstandard 160x160 mm, this case is built for them. The old modules will be cut to this size, or if it's not possible, they will be converted/reassembled soon.

Cheap materials.

The frame assembled.

Old, and new.

The PSU box, painted with a solar flare.

The new case, painted.

Populated with some modules.


My first multitracked "music" with the DIY modular

In this song i've used the following YuSynth modules: VCOs, EMS VCF, ADSRs, a mixer, and a VCA.


Magic Smoke 8K LFO

For the next module, which I want to build, i've needed a simpe LFO with speed control only. After hours of browsing the schematics, i've found Tim Servo's MSE 8K LFO. This circuit can do triangle and square waveforms, and it's high range, but with only one pot it's hard to fine tune on the lower end. The schematics shows a fine tune pot, but i don't want to include it, because of the limited front panel space.
It's very easy to build, only a TL072 or 074 opamp is needed. I've integrated a simple led driver too.
With polyester caps, the triangle waveforms are perfect, of course ceramics don't do it very well.
My version uses 1nF timing caps, and this gives 15 sec with the lowest pot setting, which is perfect for me.

More schematics, simple LFO's, and waveshapers for this LFO are here.

Thanks to Tim Servo, for his great work!

Dual LFO's on breadboard
Only a 1M Log pot, and an LED

Some power distributors added